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Car owned by
member Tom Hayward
Advertising Website Banner Ads
Banners are located on the home page and all inside pages. Banner ads run in rotation with a limited number (3 max) of ads per banner space. Banners rotate every 15 seconds.
Ad Specs
- Dimensions: 181 pixels wide, 94 pixels high.
- Graphic format: GIF and JPG.
- Animation: Reasonable animation, no java, no audio. If using Flash or animation, presentation must be less than 15 seconds.
Banner placement is subject to availability. All banners are subject to approval before acceptance or posting. NCOA reserves the right to decline, accept or withdraw advertisements at its discretion.
To reserve your Web banner ad space, click here to print the form. Mail completed form to:
(703) 555-0173 • Fax (703) 555-0175
Email your banner to headquarters@ncoa-vettes.com.