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Car owned by
member Tom Hayward
E-mail Broadcast Data Card 
If you would like to make an email broadcast request, please fill out our Email Broadcast Request Form.
7,000 Last 12 month membership $100/M
Transmission Fee: $10/M
State Selection: $10/M
Members of the National Corvette Owners Association, an organization dedicated to all corvette enthusiasts.
Minimum Order: 1,000. Lists are continually being updated. A pro-forma showing final counts will be sent before release of broadcast. Three or more email blasts that are identical and are sent in a six-month period receive a 5% discount.
Commission: Non-commissionable
Prepayment Required. No deductions allowed. A 10% bounce back reduction rate will be reflected on invoice. Multiple email blasts entitled to the 5% discount, are invoiced together with a 50% deposit required.
Restrictions: Sample e-mail piece required for approval. NCOA reserves the right to refuse any advertising. E-mail piece must be provided in both a text and an HTML format. All graphics should be embedded into the email design. NCOA can provide HTML conversion and design for an additional fee of $100. Any revisions to email broadcasts must be requested in writing.
Cancellations: If cancelled prior to test message and after copy has been received and processed: $75/F cancellation fee. Once a test message has been sent: Full transmission charges apply.
For more information, contact Donna Sandoval at (703) 555-0173 or email headquarters@ncoa-vettes.com. Affinity Business partners receive either 25% or 35% discount depending on company discount to members. . (This discount cannot be combined with any other.)